About Exams
The payment options for registering online are Visa, MasterCard, or electronic check.
- If you do not receive an email confirmation, please check your spam blocker.
- If you don't receive your email receipt within 15 minutes, you can request one by clicking here.
ACCUPLACER - Next Generation Writing, Reading, or QAS
Practice Test Website: https://practice.accuplacer.org
Initial exam registration instructions:
FOR WKU Distance Learning Testing Center (DLTC) Testing in Bowling Green: Call 270-745-3628 to schedule.
Administration fees vary based on testing location.
- For scheduling at an approved Accuplacer Remote Network testing location, please call 270-745-3628 or email testing-center@wku.edu to review your options.
- For scheduling at one of the WKU Regional campuses:
- Glasgow: Call 270-861-6969
- Owensboro: Call 270-745-5095
- Ft. Knox: Call 270-745-2626
Submit this form:
Accuplacer Next Generation Exam Request for Virtual Remote Proctoring
There is a $28 administration fee charged by Meazure Learning to use the virtual remote proctoring service. Please note: the administration fee is subject to change without notice.
Accuplacer Retest Registration Instructions:
Retests are at the testing candidate's expense. Testing at the Distance Learning Testing Center (DLTC) and WKU Regional Campuses retest fee will be $10; Meazure Learning and off-site testing locations will be $10 plus the administration fee charged by the testing facility or Meazure Learning.
The testing candidate MUST wait two weeks before completing a retest. The testing candidate may only complete two retests.
To pay the retest fee, Pay Online Now.
Students who are required to take MATH 109, MATH 112, MATH 115, MATH 116, or MATH 123 should schedule the ACCUPLACER Next Gen QAS exam.
ACT On Campus Special Testing Dates for Gatton Academy Applicants and Registration Instructions:
The ACT On Campus exam is designed for those wishing to attend Western Kentucky and missed the ACT national test dates. It is given at various times throughout the year.
- ACT On Campus scores are only valid for admission to WKU. They cannot be sent to another institution.
- You MUST register within 24 hours of the test.
- You must wait 60 days to retake the exam.
- It is scored and results given immediately upon completion of the exam.
- You must bring a valid form of ID (driver's license, passport, school ID) to the testing center.
- Click here for parking & transportation information.
- Register online now
ACT On Campus
The ACT On Campus exam is designed for those wishing to attend Western Kentucky and missed the ACT national test dates. It is given at various times throughout the year.
- The test fee is $90.50 paid online (credit card, debit card or e-check) and is non-refundable and non-transferable.
- ACT On Campus scores are only valid for admission to WKU. They cannot be sent to another institution.
- You MUST register within 24 hours of the test.
- You must wait 60 days to retake the exam.
- It is scored and results given immediately upon completion of the exam.
- You must bring a valid form of ID (driver's license, passport, school ID) to the testing center.
- Click here for parking & transportation information.
- Register online now
BYU Flats (Foreign Language Achievement Testing Service)
Domestic students (non-international) who are native or near-native speakers of a language not offered at WKU may fulfill the language requirement by passing a BYU FLATS test at the 102 level. All tests have a listening, reading and grammar component. The tests are multiple- choice and are graded as pass/fail.
The following online tests are available: https://info.flats.byu.edu/list-of-languages/
*Croatian and Serbian can stand in for or be equivalent to Bosnian.
- The FLATS service fee is $76.00 and is non-refundable and non-transferrable.
- You are REQUIRED to bring your WKU student ID number and a picture ID with you to your testing appointment. You WILL NOT be allowed to test without these items.
- You will have 2.5 hours to complete the test.
- Official results will be available within 2 weeks of completing the test. Results will be mailed to WKU and to the address indicated on the registration form.
- Register online now
- Click here for parking & transportation information.
- If you would like to register for the BYU Flats exam, please contact the testing center to request a date at testing-center@wku.edu
Western Kentucky University serves as a national test center for CLEP. Since policies regarding CLEP credits differ at various institutions, candidates should verify which tests are accepted by their institution. Click here for information about the WKU policy. Scores are reported to the school designated as the recipient in approximately 2-3 weeks.
****Very important policy change effective 8/24/2015. Please read prior to purchasing or registering for a CLEP test.****
WKU will no longer accept a CLEP test for English 200 credit. The Analyzing & Interpreting Literature CLEP test is accepted for general elective credit, not English credit, and ONLY if taken prior to enrollment in ENG 200. (See "English 200 Departmental Exam" information below to learn about earning credit for ENG 200.)"
WKU now requires the College Composition CLEP test for English 100 credit. This is a multiple choice and essay test. No credit will be awarded for the College Composition Modular CLEP test.
There are TWO registration procedures required for taking your exam:
- You MUST create an account with Collegeboard to purchase your exam(s).
- ACTIVE MILITARY ONLY- The first exam fee and service fee are free. When registering with CLEP, please make sure to mark YES for DANTES funded. For retakes of a subject, you MUST sign up using the regular CLEP link. For retakes, you will pay for the exam fee and service fee.
- You MUST create an account with Registerblast to schedule your appointment and pay your service fee(s).
Please purchase your exam(s) first and then schedule your appointment.
- Effective July 1, 2025, the new CLEP® exam fee will be $97. Test takers who purchase their registration tickets on or after this date will be charged the new fee.
- The service fee is $26.00 per exam and is non-refundable and non-transferrable.
- ACTIVE MILITARY ONLY- The first exam fee and service fee are free. When registering with CLEP, please make sure to mark YES for DANTES funded. For retakes of a subject, you MUST sign up using the regular CLEP link.
- You are REQUIRED to bring your CLEP registration ticket containing your voucher number, your driver’s license, passport or state issued ID, that contains your signature and photograph . For ACTIVE DUTY MILITARY, you MUST present your Military ID for DANTES funded exams. You WILL NOT be allowed to test without these.
- All exams except College Composition are computer-based, approximately 90 minutes and multiple choice. The College Composition Exam is approximately 2 hours. You will receive a score report for multiple choice exams immediately following your exam. You will receive a score report for the College Composition exam in approximately 1 month.
- You cannot receive credit for a CLEP exam for a course that has been previously taken or failed at WKU or another accredited institution. A CLEP exam can be retake after 3 months.
- Testing is available year-round
- Click here for parking & transportation information.
- Create an account now with Collegeboard (remember to come back to Registerblast to schedule your appointment).
- Register online now to schedule your testing appointment.
English 200 Departmental Exam
The English Department recognizes that some students may have already attained the skills and knowledge covered in the English 200 course at WKU and has created a departmental exam as an alternative to taking the course. The exam measures how well students read, interpret, analyze and write about literature. Students need to be familiar with concepts covered in introductory literature courses and Modern Language Association (MLA) documentation Style (https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/section/2/11).
The test has 4 parts and students must earn 58/70 total points in order to fulfill the English 200 requirement. For a description of the exam and a study guide click here http://wku.edu/english/departmental-exams/study_guide_eng_200.pdf .
Please carefully read ALL the policy information below BEFORE you begin the registration process.
- To be eligible to take this exam, a student must be fully matriculated, in good standing and regularly enrolled at WKU.
- A student may not register for this exam if enrolled in ENG 200 during the term in which the exam is taken.
- A student may not take this exam if they have previously attempted ENG 200 at WKU or taken a literature course at another accredited institution. A course may not be repeated by examination.
- Students who have previously attempted a college literature course should contact the Department of English to verify their eligibility for receiving course credit by examination prior to signing up for the exam.
- The $50 test fee is paid online (credit card, debit card, or e-check) and is non-refundable.
- Approximately two weeks after taking the exam, the English Department will email students as to whether they passed or failed or were ineligible for the exam. No feedback is provided as to their performance (or the points awarded) on any section of the exam.
- Eligible students who pass the exam will be directed by the department to complete an application form to receive course credit. Per the WKU Undergraduate Catalog, students will pay a $25 per credit-hour fee ($75) to the Office of the Registrar to award credit for ENG 200.
- Credits earned in this manner will be recorded on the student’s official transcript as non-residence credit but will not be considered as part of the normal semester load in the term in which the examination is taken.
- Eligible students who fail the exam will be permitted to repeat the exam one time but must wait at least 3 months between attempts. The student will be required to pay the $50 test fee again for the second attempt.
- You must bring a valid form of ID (driver’s license, passport, or student ID).
- Exam is approximately 3 hours.
- Register online now to schedule your exam appointment.
Math Placement Exam (MPE)
The MPE and MPTE are available to help students place into some math courses.
Students who are required to take MATH 117, MATH 136, or MATH 183 should schedule the Math Placement Exam (MPE) and/or Math Placement Trigonometry Exam (MPTE). These exams are administered by the Mathematics Testing Center. Please contact them directly to schedule your placement exam(s).
Sample Math Placement Exams are available at http://www.wku.edu/math/mpe.php.
- The cost is $35 per exam. The payment options for registering online are Visa, Mastercard or electronic check.
- Testing Center Fees are non-refundable and non-transferable.
- If your exam is longer than 120 mins, please call our office at 270-745-5122 to discuss testing options.
- When registering, we will need to know:
- What institution is your exam being sent from?
- Course name and exam name or number
- Course instructor
- Any comments/questions you may have
- Test-taker contact number
Please note: All non-WKU exams will be administered at Distance Learning Testing Center (DLTC) - South Campus Room C113
Have your institution submit exam materials to DLTC:
ATTN: Distance Learning Testing Center (DLTC)
WKU South Campus Academic Wing C184
2355 Nashville Rd.
Bowling Green, KY 42101-1084
Nursing - HESI Entrance Exam:
This exam is required for students seeking admission into the ADN (LPN to RN), BSN, or MEPN Nursing programs at WKU. It evaluates general knowledge in areas of Anatomy & Physiology, Math, and Reading Comprehension.
- Testing is offered based on admissions cycles in March - May, July - August, and October - January with breaks in February, June, and September. Check the website often to see what dates become available as they are only scheduled about two weeks in advance.
- This information is for the LPN to RN program ONLY. To be considered for FALL admission a copy of your application and test scores must be submitted to the Nursing Department no later than June 1, for SPRING admission no later than September 1 and for SUMMER admission no later than February 1.
- This information is for the BSN and MEPN programs ONLY. To be considered for FALL admission a copy of your application and test scores must be submitted to the Nursing Department no later than February 1 and for SPRING admission no later than September 1.
- The exam may be taken only ONE time during each application cycle.
On- Site Testing Registration Instructions for the Distance Learning Testing Center (DLTC) Reservations and payment for in-person testing will be through RegisterBlast.
- The test fee is $73.50 paid online (credit card, debit card or e-check) and is non-refundable and non-transferable.
- You must bring a valid form of ID (non expired --driver's license, passport, or other government issued identification with picture and signature ) to the testing center.
- You must bring your Evolve username and password with you. Your Evolve username is NOT your e-mail address. You will find the username on the confirmation e-mail you receive from Evolve after you set up your account. To create your Evolve account, please click here.
- On screen calculator is provided
- Click here for parking & transportation information.
- Register online now
Scroll down past the NURS Specialty exam information to get to the ProctorU registration information for the NURS Entrance exam.
The October-November cycle is now available. You will be able to schedule for your exam through Friday, November 29th via ProctorU and Tuesday , November 26th in person at the Distance Learning Testing Center (DLTC).
Nursing Specialty exams provide licensed practical nurses (LPNs) the opportunity to demonstrate knowledge of required nursing content. Testing is offered three times per year: March through April, June through July, and October through November.
- A specialty exam may be attempted only ONE time. Testing is offered three times per year: March through April, June through July, and October through November.
- LPNs are eligible to take this exam only AFTER receiving testing approval by the Associate Degree Nursing Program.
- Each test has an 80-minute time limit, and you must have a minimum score of 850 to pass the exam.
On- Site Testing Registration Instructions for the Distance Learning Testing Center (DLTC) Reservations and payment for in-person testing will be through RegisterBlast.
- The test fee is $66 paid online (credit card, debit card or e-check) and is non-refundable and non-transferable.
- You must bring a valid form of ID (non-expired --driver's license, passport, or other government issued identification with picture and signature) to the testing center.
- You MUST bring your Evolve username and password with you. To create your Evolve account, please click here.
- Click here for parking & transportation information.
- Register online now!
ProctorU Version Registration Instructions - Nursing HESI Entrance – Available for the ADN (LPN-RN and MEPN Programs ONLY) and NURS Specialty Exams - Reservations and payments will be directly through ProctorU.
HESI Entrance and Specialty Exams are through ProctorU Live+. There will be a proctor available during your session for assistance.
For Students Without a ProctorU Account: To create an account with ProctorU, go to this link: https://go.proctoru.com/students/users/new and complete the steps. Make sure to select Elsevier-HESI as the Institution. Western Kentucky University will be the term.
If you already have a ProctorU account with WKU as your enrollment institution, you’ll need to add a new enrollment with Elsevier-HESI in order to schedule and take your Entrance A2 exam or Specialty exams. To do this, follow the steps below before scheduling a new testing session:
- Log in to your existing account.
- Click the dropdown by your name in the upper right corner and select Account Settings.
- Scroll to where you see Enrollments and Click Add Enrollment.
- Find and select *Elsevier-HESI.
- Click Update Account at the bottom of the page.
After registering and logging in with your ProctorU Account, you will click on Schedule a New Session.
1. Confirm your Institution: Elsevier-HESI
2. Select a term: Western Kentucky University
3. Select your desired exam from the drop-down list. Entrance Ex. HESI ADN (LPN/RN) Program Entrance Exam- Sept-Jan Cycle- Pamela Webb, Tabatha Spain Specialty Ex. Mental Health Specialty - Oct/Nov Cycle - Tabatha Spain, Pamela Webb or Maternity Specialty – Oct/Nov 2024 Cycle – Tabatha Spain, Pamela Webb
4. Click Find Sessions
5. When the screen changes, you will see a calendar on the right side of the screen. Select the date within the open testing window that you would like to take your exam and then select the time you would like to take the exam and click submit.
6. Out of the options listed, click select on the time and date that best suits when you would like to take the exam. Then click Schedule.
7. Click Proceed to Cart on the next screen
8. Then Click Proceed to Payment to finalize the payment and the reservation
ProctorU - Preparing for Testing Day:
It is imperative that you review this site before your testing date: https://www.proctoru.com/portal/elsevier-hesi
This site covers:
- Getting Started with ProctorU
- Creating an account
- Scheduling an exam
- Downloading the ProctorU extension
- Checking Equipment (ProctorU and Elsevier)
- Best Practices for HESI exams with a Live+ Experience Video
- Support
- Readiness Guide
- Technical Requirements
- Important Notice For MacOS X Catalina and Big Sur Users
- Other Requirements
- Non-supported equipment
Please make sure you have tested your equipment with ProctorU's portal and Elsevier before logging into ProctorU for your exam to make sure everything is compatible.
Materials allowed: White board and dry erase marker to work through exam questions and the calculator built into the testing system are allowed during this exam.
On exam day, you will need:
- Your Evolve username and password. To create your Evolve account, please click here if you do not have one.
- One form of government-issued photo ID (i.e., driver’s license, passport, military ID, etc.)
- White Board and dry erase marker.
- A working webcam and microphone
- A strong internet connection; recommend direct connection into the internet with an ethernet cord instead of WIFI.
- A private room with a desk or table.
- When it comes time to take your exam, log in and look for the countdown timer. At your appointment time, it will change to a Start Exam button. Click it to get started! Make sure to log into the ProctorU portal a bit early so you do not miss the switch over from count down timer to start exam button.
STAMP Assessment- (Language Proficiency Exam)
The STAMP assessment measures a test taker’s language ability based on national standards. Test results will indicate the level of proficiency achieved for each section of the test. WKU requires students to demonstrate proficiency at the Novice High Level. The Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, and Spanish tests have four sections – reading, writing, listening and speaking. The Swahili test has three sections – Reading, Writing, and Speaking. Speakers of Russian may request a Departmental Exam from Modern Languages. See http://www.wku.edu/modernlanguages/ for more information.
STAMP Practice tests website: https://avantassessment.com/sample-tests
Please carefully read ALL the information below BEFORE you begin the registration process.
There are TWO registration procedures required for taking your test in person at the Distance Learning Testing Center.
- You MUST purchase your STAMP test from Avant (select STAMP 4S Test Center Proctored Option).
- You MUST schedule your appointment and pay your service fee online. Register now.
- Please see STAMP website for exam purchase fee
- The proctoring fee is $15.00 and is non-refundable and non-transferrable.
- You are REQUIRED to bring 4 items with you: your RegisterBlast receipt, your STAMP purchase receipt, your WKU student ID number, and a picture ID with you to your testing appointment. You WILL NOT be allowed to test without all 4 of these items.
- You will have 2 hours to complete the test. Your scores will be available on Topnet in approximately 3-4 weeks.
- Click here for parking & transportation information.
- If you would like to register for the STAMP exam, please contact the testing center to request a date at testing-center@wku.edu
To take the STAMP exam through Avant's designated virtual remote proctoring service, please click on STAMP test from Avant (select the language + Remote Proctoring option). After you complete your payment, exam instructions will be sent to you via the email address you used to register.
For remote testing, please note you must be able to meet these requirements:
- You will need to have a web camera
- You will need a smart phone either iOS or Android
- You will need speakers and a microphone OR a headset with microphone
- You will need photo ID when scheduling your test and again when you take the test
- This is a timed test.
- Short breaks are not allowed so properly prepare yourself