Center Policies


  1. Students must sign in and show a photo ID before testing.

  2. A test-taker is not permitted to bring in the following items while testing: coats, hats, scarves, electronic devices, fitness trackers, notebooks, food or drink.

  3. An appointment is required for placement, CLEP, telecourse, online and other university tests.

  4. An appointment for a make-up exam is strongly advised.

  5. Tests cannot be started within one hour of closing.

  6. Students should come to the Assessment Center knowing the name of their instructor and their class.

  7. Academic Integrity is expected of all students. Students are encouraged to review the Student Code of Conduct in the Student Handbook.

  8. All electronic devices must be turned off and stored while students are testing.

  9. Special accommodations are available for testing.  Arrangements must be made in advance.  Please contact the Center for Accessibility and Neurodiversity at (815)224-0284 for more information.

  10. Children are not allowed into any testing area or not to be left unattended while an individual is testing.