About Exams
The payment options for registering online are Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express.
All test fees are non-transferable and non-refundable. You must be in your seat 30 minutes BEFORE your scheduled test time. You must register no later than 3 business days prior to the test date.
Important: Make sure all prohibited items are stored in your car or at home. If you are found to have any prohibited items during the exam, you may have your scores canceled and it will affect future ability to test with South Plains College. Prohibited items include: cell phones, air pods, electronic devices, smart watches, Fitbits, iPods, calculators, packages or bags of any kind, purses, backpacks, hats, caps, sunglasses, drinks, food, vapes, any weapon, pen, pencil, paper, or any other unauthorized aids.
To view prohibited items list: Click here
All students wishing to apply to EMS - Paramedic at the Reese Center must take the TEAS.
Facts about the ATI TEAS
- All test fees are non-transferable and non-refundable.
- You must have an application on file at SPC, know your SPC student ID#, and be applying for SPC EMS Paramedic program.
- You must register at least three (3) business days prior to the test date.
- Create an account online at www.atitesting.com
- Choose South Plains College - Reese TEAS as the institution.
- If you have created an account with ATI in the past, please make sure to update your account to reflect South Plains College - Reese TEAS as the institution.
- Be sure to bring your current username and password to the test.
- The timed computer test consists of:
Reading: 55 minutes - 45 questions
Math: 57 minutes - 38 questions
English: 37 minutes - 37 questions
Science: 60 minutes - 50 questions - You are encouraged to meet with an EMS Advisor before registering for this test.
- You have three (3) testing opportunities per application cycle.
- TEAS-EMS scores are good for one calendar year.
- You must be TSI compliant before registering for the TEAS-EMS test.
- See EMS department for application questions and requirements.
- YOU MUST BE IN YOUR SEAT 30 MINUTES PRIOR TO YOUR DESIGNATED TESTING TIME. Report to the Testing Center, located at the Reese Center, building 8, room 823.
Please read the following before registering for the TEAS-EMS. All registrations are non-refundable and non-transferable. You will be denied admission to the test and will need to repay and reschedule for another testing date if you do not have the items listed below or if you are late to the test:
- The examinee should have an unexpired ID which is government-issued with a current photograph, examinee's signature, and permanent address. The identification must be checked before testing and rechecked at the end of testing. Acceptable forms of photo identification include current and valid: Driver’s license, state-approved or federal ID and passport. Only physical ID's will be allowed. We will not accept any ID from a cell phone or a copy of an ID.
- Bring your printed paid testing receipt or printed email confirmation.
- Make sure all prohibited items are left in your vehicle or at home. If you are found to have a prohibited item during the exam, you may have your scores canceled, and it will affect future ability to test with South Plains College. Prohibited items include but are not limited to: all electronic devices including cell phones, air pods, smart watches, calculators, packages or bags of any kind, purses, backpacks, hats/ caps, sunglasses, drinks, food, vapes, any weapon, pen, pencil, paper or any other unauthorized aids.
Register online now!
- Please contact the Disability Services Office if you require special accommodations for testing (806)716-4675.
- Study Link (https://www.atitesting.com/teas-prep)
- Study Guides are available in the SPC Library or the SPC Bookstore: Study Manual for the ATI - TEAS Version 7 ATI, or online.
Reese LVN Entrance Exam (TEAS-LVN)
Facts about the ATI TEAS
- All test fees are non-transferable and non-refundable.
- You must have an application on file at SPC, know your SPC student ID#, and be applying for SPC Reese LVN program.
- You must register at least three (3) business days prior to the test date.
- Create an account online at www.atitesting.com
- Choose South Plains College - Reese TEAS as the institution.
- If you have created an account with ATI in the past, please make sure to update your account to reflect South Plains College - Reese TEAS as the institution.
- Be sure to bring your current username and password to the test.
- The timed computer test consists of:
Reading: 55 minutes - 45 questions
Math: 57 minutes - 38 questions
English: 37 minutes - 37 questions
Science: 60 minutes - 50 questions - Minimum score required is:
- 58.7% on Reading, Math, and English.
- You have four (4) testing opportunities per application cycle.
- TEAS-LVN scores are good for one calendar year.
- You must be TSI compliant before registering for the TEAS-LVN test. See nursing department for more information.
- YOU MUST BE IN YOUR SEAT 30 MINUTES PRIOR TO YOUR DESIGNATED TESTING TIME. Report to the Testing Center, located at the Reese Center, building 8, room 823.
Please read the following before registering for the TEAS-LVN Exam. All registrations are non-refundable and non-transferable. You will be denied admission to the test and will need to repay and reschedule for another testing date if you do not have the items listed below or if you are late to the test:
- The examinee should have an unexpired ID which is government-issued with a current photograph, examinee's signature, and permanent address. The identification must be checked before testing and rechecked at the end of testing. Acceptable forms of photo identification include current and valid: Driver’s license, state-approved or federal ID and passport. Only physical ID's will be allowed. We will not accept any ID from a cell phone or a copy of an ID.
- Bring your printed paid testing receipt or printed email confirmation.
- Make sure all prohibited items are left in your vehicle or at home. If you are found to have a prohibited item during the exam, you may have your scores canceled, and it will affect future ability to test with South Plains College. Prohibited items include but are not limited to: all electronic devices including cell phones, air pods, smart watches, calculators, packages or bags of any kind, purses, backpacks, hats/ caps, sunglasses, drinks, food, vapes, any weapon, pen, pencil, paper or any other unauthorized aids.
Register online now!
- Please contact the Disability Services Office if you require special accommodations for testing (806)716-4675.
- Study Link (https://www.atitesting.com/teas-prep)
- Study Guides are available in the SPC Library, the SPC Bookstore or online : online.