Exam Registration
Screen reader friendly pageTesting and Assessment Center Mission Statement:
The mission of the South Florida State College Testing & Assessment Center is to provide comprehensive, quality testing and assessment services to students, candidates, faculty, staff, the community, and business partners. The center upholds the College’s vision of enriching our communities through education, one life at a time. We strive to fulfill this mission by offering a variety of testing options to assist individuals in their quest for academic and professional fulfillment, while adhering to the National College Testing Association Professional Standards and Guidelines. We believe in the worth of each of our students and we seek to develop human potential and to create brighter futures.
If you are requesting Student Accommodations, your student's documentation will need to be processed through Disability Services. Once the Accommodations is authorized by Disability Services, we will be able to provide the Documented Accommodation to your student.
If you need assistance contact the Testing Department at testing@southflorida.edu.
By selecting, scheduling, and testing at South Florida State College, you are acknowledging and agreeing to possibly being recorded during your test session.